It's nothing personal against the Bears, but it's a common idiom used when referring to their namesake, so ... I figured it was fair game. Plus, I imagine Packers fans will be absolutely fine with this, ;)
I'm a Bears fan, and I thought it was both hilarious and true. Because one thing the Bears are consistently good at is making stupid personnel decisions and mediocrity. I love 'em anyway. Even though that probably makes me a bad Minnesotan.
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That's cold, yet so true.
It's nothing personal against the Bears, but it's a common idiom used when referring to their namesake, so ... I figured it was fair game. Plus, I imagine Packers fans will be absolutely fine with this, ;)
I'm a Bears fan, and I thought it was both hilarious and true. Because one thing the Bears are consistently good at is making stupid personnel decisions and mediocrity. I love 'em anyway. Even though that probably makes me a bad Minnesotan.
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