Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Muchos Garcias

At the risk of being unfunny, the "Garcias" are Andy, Jerry and Jorje. I didn't think Sergio Garcia would be a familiar-enough face to include. Plus, ain't nobody got time to draw no golfer
Spring Chickens

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Stand By Me, Act II, sc. vi

All those coughing fits have taken their toll on l'il Joey. I think the Gang has finally realized how much the spunky little fellow means to them. I hope it's not too late! Who can help save this magical little Planeteer in training get back on his feet?

Act I Act II Act III
Spring Chickens

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I dislike when people say mindless routine things to me, like waitresses often do. If I say something, and your answer is "perfect" like six times in one meeting, you're not thinking. And I don't like being "not thinked" at.
Spring Chickens

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Monday, July 21, 2014

Stand By Me, Act II, sc. v

Thank God ducks can tell the difference between butts and food. If those poor quackers were eating that garbage and contracting ducky cancer that'd make me violently ill. I'm not your doctor, but I'll agree with him, you should probably quit smoking.

Act I Act II Act III
Spring Chickens

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

30 Sliders Only $15

I've never been to White Castle - - but I've enjoyed the movies. I did own two red-eared sliders as a kid (one ran away).
Spring Chickens

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Just Peachy

This joke started off about construction workers, but I changed the characters and hope I was able to reach an even more unexpected outcome.
Spring Chickens

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Stand By Me, Act II, sc. iii

Joey's offering more great advice on how to reduce energy use around the shop. Mr. Minestrone doesn't seem too interested until considering how those savings could be used to his "benefit." Poor Joey, though, that cough doesn't sound good. I hope he gets over whatever is ailing him.

Act I Act II Act III
Spring Chickens

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