Monday, August 31, 2015

Not in Kansas Anymore, Act II, sc. v

And now Beardo is channeling his inner Horatio Cane, which is just fine with me. And the lady from the Stunt Monks just couldn't bare to live without her pretties, which were all being sucked back to hell where they came from, I presume.

Most importantly, they have the monkeys out of the way, their costumes, their instruments, a date to keep and a gig to play! Off to the ol' Bum and Barber on Aylmer St. Putting these clowns on stage is probably one of the worst ideas in entertainment history.

Up Next: The Worst Moment in Entertainment History.

Spring Chickens

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Not in Kansas Anymore, Act II, sc. iv

Channeling his inner Clint Eastwood, Beardo is ready to spend his bananas and sends those monkeys straight to hell. Adios, muchachos!

Now they've acquired and paid for all their costumes and instruments, and the monkeys are no longer interfering with the operation, the band has got to be ready to go, right?

Spring Chickens

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Not in Kansas Anymore, Act II, sc. iii B

Here's a bonus panel to help segue between Act II, sc. iii and Act II, sc. iv. I felt like there was just too much unsaid between those pages, and this is SUPPOSED to help out.

PLUS I got to show a bit of the Emerald Pity Pawn Shop sign which I designed, but wasn't able to use in the story line. Here you just get a hint of it, but you can imagine what the whole thing looks like. Beware the Flying Sombreros!

The beauty of this is, the next page is already up! Go check it out, too!

Spring Chickens

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Monday, August 17, 2015

Not in Kansas Anymore, Act II, sc. iii

Betcha didn't see THIS coming!

I know it's supposed to be a million monkeys on a million typewriters that write a masterpiece, but ... I just didn't have time for She-Mullet to review that many manuscripts and keep the pace of this joke going.

Spring Chickens

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Monday, August 10, 2015

Not in Kansas Anymore, Act II, sc. ii

Ah, those damned monkeys continue to be a source of frustration. What do you think of the instruments that each person has selected? What do you think of D'Ron on bass, or Minestrone on the drums? I forget what Beardo is supposed to be playing, lol.

This is our second visit to the Emerald Pity Pawn Shop (now it's been named). Do you remember this shop owner from From Busk Till Pawn? If you recall, he really liked Cracker Jacks.

Spring Chickens

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Monday, August 3, 2015

Not in Kansas Anymore, Act II, sc. i

Run, Minestrone!

Act 1 is done, the plot is set.
Act 2, the protagonists pursue
their goal, but face obstacles.

Spring Chickens

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

When the "Internet response" is more interesting than the story

It's 2015. What an age we live in, where global media outlets are reporting on every swell of decry from a public that's being encouraged and rewarded for "joining the conversation" online.
Every night our local newscasts have a story about something that's "gone viral" on the Internet. They're covering these stories trying to explain WHY it's gone viral, often with no good answer. It's not the stories being newsworthy, it's the unpredictable nature of WHY these stories have enraptured so many people around the world (what's newsworthy these days is how many hits something can get on YouTube now :S).
The swelling and ubiquitous coverage of Deflate Gate and Cecil the Lion, for example, is not about the heinous nature of the crimes committed, but rather the hyperbolic response these stories have received on the Internet. 
We've seen that the dentist had murdered plenty of animals before, but the Internet's viral-marketing machine wasn't tuned up to its most efficient rates when he was posting shots of dead rhinos. 
But today, good ol' today, we have thousands of people running websites who hunt through the news looking for something they can turn "viral." And they've gotten good at it. Twitter and Facebook are probably the ones benefiting from this the most - - I mean, where do you hear about these stories most often? Perhaps ISP providers who capitalize on your uploading/downloading and bandwidth (they're not gonna stop you from "joining the conversation," are they?)
What's all the more compelling is our digital media devices (everything connects to the Internet now) have become trashy tabloids, with rumours and overreaction slapped all across the headlines.
I guess the part that makes this worse (there's always been trashy reporting) is that people are predictably turning into that crowd of villagers with pitchforks and rakes to scare off Frankenstein's Monster.
One of the most prominent Internet narratives that "goes viral" is the shaming of "monsters" for their misdeeds. Here we are, in a world that's never been more educated, more connected and more globally minded, and we're banding together like villagers in a black-and-white movie to drive away the things we don't understand. 
Very 2015 of us. 
Spring Chickens

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